It is our great joy to be able to announce the publishing of the first EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) resource, fully translated into Romanian:

Hold me tight:Seven conversations for a lifetime of love  – Dr. Sue Johnson

The news is a double reason for joy, as ACT and Politon Publishing House has insisted as the preface of this volume to be signed by our very own EFT community coordinator, dr. Simona HERB. You can find below some of the phrases Simona is using to preface this long waited volume:

”The deciphering the mechanisms of love, in the first part of the book, using the development of the attachment relationships and the corresponding strategies, represents the first major added value of this book. Re-framed with the attachment lens, each action partners undergo makes sense and it is speaking about the restless tentative that we all, as social beings, can go the mile for in order to emotionally reconnect to our significant ones. Universal basic needs are the one that dictate primary emotional responses, and as such, through her therapeutic approach, implicitly this volume, dr. Sue Johnson is laying the grounds for a map of the steps partners need to use to rediscover the way one to the other.


With a passion for dance, especially tango, dr. Susan Johnson introduces through ”Hold me tight” a veritable course, step by step, to transform the lives of our couples into a royal festivity for closeness.  Each time when scientific landmarks could block the emotional immersion,  the dance metaphor ”resets the couple to the love frequency”.

The book can be ordered hard cover and/ or audio-book using the site of our partner,ACT and Politon Publishing House, here!  volume is recommended both as support for couple and family therapists, as well as a introductory reading for couples that want to decide whether EFT fits them!

EFT Romanian community members have a 15 % discount using a code one can get through email at
