Couples therapy is a natural response for those in search of different answers regarding their relationships, “feeling” that things are not working as they should and strongly desiring to find “that certain something that will bring them back”. Generally speaking, any therapeutic process is useful in finding solutions to the problems and conflicts a couple faces at a certain time. The objective of couple therapy is achieving a good understanding of the self and the other to decide if change is necessary.
Emotionally focused therapy (EFT)
Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) adheres to the strong philosophy that relationships are at the core of human experience. Related research indicates that emotionally fulfilling relationships are integral components of mental and physical health, and that emotionally focused interventions have the power to establish and recreate supportive bonds among individuals. As dedicated EFT practitioners, we are therefore committed to:
- understanding and enhancing couple and family relationships through an emphasis on emotions and their interpersonal impact;
- fostering a climate of respect, endless empathic attunement and authenticity;
- keeping a wide, humanistic view of problems encountered by the couple members – in EFT there is no room for judgment, clients hold their deep, natural reasons for being stuck;
- rewriting the love story so that relationship represents the safe, secure environment within that the couple can flourish.
We believe that all people can maximize their potential given a nurturing social environment, which we endeavor to foster in our work with clients.
The couple therapist helps the two find out what their needs are and what are the necessary revisions of their behavior. Acting as a consultant, the therapist is there to equally support the partners, reshape interactions and make more visible innate characteristics of the couple that might have been forgotten.
Family therapy
Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is used to help the entire family and the individuals that belong to a family understand and improve the way they interact and the way they handle conflict.Family therapy promotes interpersonal relationships and optimizes them, develops the families’ capacity to learn how to face problems and helps increase the flexibility of the roles in the family.
Family therapy enhances communication between the members of a family, supports them in order to become more sensitive to their needs and feelings and to be able to share them within the family.
Not sure which is right for you ? No worries, we are here to assess together which are your most immediate needs.You only need to get in touch with us!