Educational Program about love and couple relationships – for the first time in Romania
Centered on the theory and practice of Emotionally Focused Therapy, Hold Me Tight ® is a program that was originally developed in Canada by Dr. Susan Johnson (as such, Hold Me Tight® is a registered trademark to Sue Johnson). Emotionally Focused Therapy reveals the way emotions work. Love is no longer a mystery, but becomes a phenomenon we can master.
In this program you will find the secret of maintaining a long-term relationship, filled with love, understanding and respect. You will get to live the relationship of your desire.
- Knowledge concerning the mechanism of love will, first of all, help us love and respect ourselves and then do the same for others (partner, parents, and children).
- The moment we love ourselves and have a healthy relationship with a partner is the moment every other aspect of our lives improves:
- physical health, especially our immune system and the health of our heart
- we will be less vulnerable to depression or anxiety
- we will be more open towards our life-partner
- we become better parents by teaching our children a positive way to manage their emotions and connect with others
- we become stronger and more confident
- we will accept inherent separations with less suffering
- You will receive new and efficient information concerning relationships and the emotional bond between two partners.
- You will watch videos of real couples with real problems and discuss solutions.
- You will experience the acquired notions in class and at home.
Iasi, Suceava, Galati, Piatra Neamt, Braila, Bucuresti.
350 RON / couple / session (for the Program in Iasi)
Enrollment fee 50 RON – is returned out of the cost of the first session
If you find 5 people interested in the “Hold Me Tight ®” Program, your participation is FREE
Program Total– 15 hours (the sessions will take place during week -ends, Friday evening to Sunday noon, or a full Saturday and Sunday schedule)
Simona HERB – project coordinator
Tel: 0755.69.00.33
“Hold Me Tight ®” is an educational program that was originally developed in Canada by Dr. Susan Johnson, centered on the theory and practice of Emotionally Focused Therapy. Emotionally Focused Therapy is a new and complete science of romantic love and relationship. This kind of therapy helps 7 out of 10 distressed couples transform their relationships.
The program is based on the idea that long-term love between a man and a woman is not only possible, but is in fact a birth-right. “The loving relationship in a couple represents the base for stronger families, a healthier society and a more compassionate future for all of us”. (Susan Johnson).
Now love and long term harmonious relationships are no longer a legend, but become reality.
We no longer have to accept the fact that romantic love is a mystery or an untouchable ideal. A science is now capable to clarify the model of love and long-term relationships.
The purpose of this program is to help couples repair, enhance and permanently improve their couple relationship.
In this program you will receive a special vision on love that will help you live the relationship you wish for.
In every module you will learn about:
Module 1 – Understanding love and attachment – the purpose of this module is to sketch a model of romantic love and relationship. The emotional bond, the need of a sensitive partner and the need of love are normal needs which are embedded in our genes. You will learn how we act in a secure relationship, with a partner we can rely on and also what happens the moment the relationship is in danger.
Module 2 – How can love take a wrong turn: the demons of communication – we will highlight the way we enter negative circularities of fighting, conflict, non-productive dialogues. We will learn to notice the exact moment these “dialogue demons” interfere in our relationship and what makes each one of the partners perpetuate this state.
Module 3 – Find hot spots in the dialogue demons – we will find out what are the pivotal moments and indicators that emerge when partners enter into conflict. You will experiment, alongside us, what the hot spots are, and the vulnerabilities of each partner. They are created by the negative experiences (past or present) and trigger the fear of losing the relationship.
The completion of the first 3 modules results in the elimination of tension in the relationship and prepares the couple for a new type of communication that builds and strengthens the emotional bond.
Module 4 – Correcting mistakes and creating a secure base: going back to a difficult moment – in this module we will go deeper into the experience of every individual and every couple to observe or “dance” in difficult moments. We will refer to a difficult moment in everyone’s life that will be shared and analyzed as follows: our own actions, the emotions underneath the actions, recognizing the way our emotions model the emotions of our partners, and how to observe our partners’ deep emotions. This module is the one that will transform the couple relationship. There will be a shift that will make the partners more available, sensitive to the needs of the other and deeply emotionally engaged.
Module 5 – Becoming open and sensitive towards the other – in this module we will enter the very vulnerable state of expressing the attachment wounds (we will analyze a personal experience of a fear of being left or rejected). You will be able to access new resources that will help you support your partner in difficult and sensitive situations like the one we described. You will manage to process such delicate experiences and become stronger, more confident about yourself and your partner.
Module 6 – Forgiving and regaining trust – the purpose of this module is the process of forgiveness. Forgiveness is key in regaining our freedom, releasing us from the jail of resentment, fear, hate, all of which impair our evolution. We will learn to forgive the other and heal the trauma in the relationship. The moment we forgive and heal we start having a new way of relating, a positive experience that will help us maintain the relationship with more confidence. We will be your guides on the path to freedom.
Module 7 – Tender touch and sexual synchronization – fights, conflicts and misunderstandings in daily life usually reflect in the “sexual dance” of the partners. We will see how emotional bonding and confidence in yourself and the other leads to a wonderful sexual relationship and how a positive and satisfying sexual connection creates a strong emotional bond.
Module 8 – Maintaining love and preoccupation for the relationship – “love is like a foreign language, if you don’t practice, you start forgetting it”. At the end of the program, we will discover new ways of taking care of the relationship, of keeping it alive once it’s healed, of protecting it. The satisfying couple relationship is our source of energy.
We all become better and stronger human beings when we can find safety in our partner’s arms.
Important to know!
You can attend the meetings with your partner or you can come alone. The concepts one partner learns will affect the other because everything is systemic. This means that if we are part of one system, i.e. the couple, the change of one element (one partner) is enough to make the whole system (couple, family) experience change.
Before starting the program every attendee will benefit from one free assessment session. In this session we will determine if the program is appropriate for your needs, if it can offer the knowledge and abilities that will improve your relationship. Also, in this session you will receive more information about the content of the “Hold Me Tight” program.
The “Hold Me Tight” program addresses all interested people, regardless of the profession.