Individual supervision


The practice of getting supervised is common to all therapy approaches, and as such, there are lots of ways in Emotionally focused Therapy for us to get help or Consultation. Psychotherapist Ph.D Simona Herb has begun her training to become a EFT therapist in 2010, in USA, following the whole process with trainers such as Rebecca Jorgensen and Judith Kellner. She is currently the only accredited Romanian TRAINER IN TRAINING, SUPERVISOR AND THERAPIST practicing this approach, leading the EFT Community in Romania.

In Person (of course)

If you are in Iasi or any other area, when dr. Simona Herb is also around, you can her meet in person. One session will last 60-70 minutes, will cover a specific tape or question you have regarding a case and will be followed by a resume mail delineating the follow up points.

Distance supervision

Session Review – Skype call

The fastest way to have your tapes reviewed is to share your video file through the internet. We will always use an online secure transfer method to ensure the confidentiality. You send your file through an agreed file transfer service.  Once you have your taped session saved in a digital file and sent to Simona, it is then just a matter of getting an agreement regarding the time of day when a meeting can be organized.

After your EFT consultation is scheduled, your session will be there and ready to watch and review together so you can receive feedback, instruction, encouragement and even practice.


Telephone based supervision is a good alternative when you need help with an active case and would like that help before your next session. It is helpful to have a transcript of the case you would like reviewed. Telephone based supervision is individually scheduled.

Contact Dr. Simona Herb by email at or phone 0755 690 033 to arrange individual supervision.

Costs: 100 ron/ session.