Dr. Simona HERB
Dr. Herb is the first and sole Romanian EFT trainer, therapist and supervisor. She is the director of Psiris Center in Iasi, Romania and the coordinator of the Romanian EFT therapists community.
Simona has began her training as a couple therapist within the frame of a systemic school in Iasi, being drawn to the Emotionally focused therapy model ever since. Simona’s desire to help clients, beyond the point where all that used to function had no longer an effect, was strong enough to motivate her to travel and invest consistent effort in order to be an accredited EFT therapist. Following training sessions in USA, under the direct guidance of dr. Susan Johnson, and then, one of her dear mentors, dr. Rebecca Jorgensen, Simona was soon a certified therapist. Even before that, Simona started as well the tiresome process of promoting the approach in the Romanian field, 3 years later Romania having been officially placed on the worldwide EFT map. 2017 brings the recognition of Simona’s effort as a certified trainer, shortly after she was certified as a supervisor.
Under Simona’s guidance, 2017 brings as well the second Romanian supervisor, 4 complete training series with more than 50 Romanian therapists (and even a few invitees from other countries), and an overall of 300 therapists that have undergone at least the first stepf of EFT training.
Simona has assisted all training sessions that where brought to Romania by the trainers above, translated diverse materials to be fit for the Romanian environment and facilitated numerous introductory sessions to promote EFT and related concepts.