Emotionally Focused Therapy with Personality Disorder couples

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Date(s) - 04/10/2019 - 05/10/2019
All Day

Golden Tulip Victoria


Do you have difficult clients that never seem to do what you want? Where the process  of reconnecting is very chaotic and complicated?

In this two day presentation we will focus on working with personality disorder couples. The diagnosis personality disorder can be seen as the result of multiple traumatic experiences on top of insecure attachment. In a couple one or both partners can have trouble regulating their emotions. This problem is a result of (earlier) emotional neglect and/or abuse. In couples with this type of behavior, emotional connection is longed for and at the same time felt as too dangerous. Often there is a pattern of disorganized attachment. The partner is experienced as either too close or too distant. This leads to highly reactive emotions, and a loss of mentalizing capacity.


In this masterclass we will look at ways to help these difficult couples with EFT.

EFT helps to regulate the intense interaction if done with dilligence and in a slow and steady pace. Working with trauma demands patience and trust in the model. The EFT model will keep you on track in the muddled emotions. We will look at how we can help clients to regulate their intense emotions, help them to stay in the window of tolerance and help them to mentalize about their emotions. We will also look at the difficulty for the therapist to stay hopeful and how to stay in your own window of tolerance.


This masterclass is suited for participants who have at least a basic EFT training and who work with difficult clients.

We will look at tapes, do roleplays, and there is an opportunity to bring in your own cases.


Bio Karin Wagenaar


Karin Wagenaar is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, couple and family therapist in the Netherlands. She works in private practice as certified EFT therapist, -supervisor and is an EFT trainer in the Netherlands, and many countries abroad.

She has been the clinical director of an inpatient clinic for clients with personality disorders. She worked with Mentalization Based Treatment in psychotherapy groups and with EFT in the couple groups. She is on the faculty of a Dutch Psychotherapy Training Institute, to teach systems therapy.

She is the founder and chair of the Dutch Foundation for EFT.  She is an ICEEFT boardmember.She is the author of several articles on couples and of the book “Relaties hoe doe je dat?”(relationships, how do you do it?) which is also translated in Hungarian.


640 lei; early bird subscription – 3rd of September 2019:

570 lei – full subscription;

Recommend the opportunity to a colleague outside the EFT community and get a 10 % discount.


For extra details: contact@psiris.ro/ 0755 690 033.