Dear followers of this page, we interrupt the lunch break to share with you a great, great news that e are happy to have just received by email and that goes like this:
„Hi all,
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Simona Herb from Romania who is our newest EFT TRAINER IN TRAINING!!! Simona has worked hard to bring hundreds of therapists to EFT in Romania through organizing trainings, giving workshops, supervising therapists and translating EFT training materials. She is an empathic and engaged therapist and a warm and open young woman, and I am sure you will all will enjoy meeting her. Please join me in welcoming Simona! Gail”
It is Gail Palmer, on of the founding members of the The Ottawa Couple and Family Institute, co-directing and leader of the accreditation committee at The International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy. There are just 40 Trainers in Training all over the world and I am truly happy to place Romania on this map.
Following the Core Values of ICEEFT, EFT Trainers seek opportunities to support the development of EFT Centers and/or Communities through innovation, collaboration, and promotion of the best interests of EFT practitioners. As ambassadors and stewards of the EFT model, Trainers seek opportunities to actively collaborate and cross train with other Trainers thereby furthering the development of EFT expertise at a global and local level. More about trainers in EFT read here!
More good news to follow, just stay tuned !