The Extravagant Emotion. Working with profound emotions in therapy(Cluj-Napoca)

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Date(s) - 26/11/2017
10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Hampton By Cluj Napoca


”It is impossible to create a sense of tenderness by rationalization”. – Marilyn Yalom (Introduction to EFT)

The course is to be credited – 10 credits

Whom do we address to?

The workshop is addressed to all psychologist that believe that PROFOUND CHNAGES, second order ones, happen when working with primary emotions. Long term changes can be instilled only by changing and reorganizing the emotional responses. Besides the changes at a behavioral and cognitive level, one needs also to alter his/ her emotional dynamics.

What will you find out?

  • How to work with emotions that seem volatile?
  • Is there a logic in emotions and a systemized approach for them?
  • How does change appear if we choreograph the emotional responses?

Here are the subjects to be addressed:

  • Emotions – introducing the main emotions and the associated action tendencies
  • Reactive emotions and primary emotions – which of these should we extend and heighten, what are the ones we want to contain in order to prevent escalation.
    • The 4 access points to one`s emotion when it is not directly verbalized by the client – the ACCES method
    • Working with primary emotions:
    – The RISSC method (repeat, intensify, slow, soft, client words)
    – Enactments
    – Empathic conjectures
    – Empathic responses
    • Emotion and the significance of the attachments needs that have been ignored, rejected or refused.
    • Working with the avoidant clients and the anxious one: specific therapeutically positions addressing each attachment style, most frequent emotions and specific attachment needs (the R.A.V.E and H.E.A.R models)
    • Self of the therapist: the influence of therapists’ own emotions and attachment style on how he approaches therapy
  • !!!! The presentation will include: experiential exercises, video clips of real therapy sessions that illustrate each of the working models.
Psychotherapist PhD Simona Herb – the ONLY TRAINER IN TRAINING,  SUPERVISER AND ACCREDITED THERAPIST in Romania practicing EFT, leading also the Romanian EFT community (over 200 Romanian therapists have started their training in the last 3 years).

240 RON (early bird price 200 ron – 1st of November).

Payment to be done using the following details:
Herb S. Simona Cabinet individual psihologie
Banca:Unicredit Bank


emotia extravaganta